Digital Posters and Signages : Helping Offline and Online Stores Manage Customers

Digital posters and signages are making headways as popular decorative kiosk displays especially now that online stores pose as tougher competition than before. The pandemic and inflation have changed consumer behaviors in a lot of ways, making it even more important for store owners to improve the way they run their offline outlets. Although most businesses now have online stores, maintaining at least a kiosk as physical outlet can help boost sales. A kiosk, as opposed to maintaining a shop or boutique is space-saving particularly for specialty boutiques.

Customers still enjoy the feel of trying out items for size and fit; and of seeing the actual color of the merchandise they plan to buy online.
While retailers reduce the costs of maintaining a physical store, as much as possible, they do so without sacrificing aesthetic values. Otherwise, customers won’t have a fun time visiting a store that doesn’t help them find what they need or give them ideas about brands that are available as choices.

Digital Posters and Signages as Welcoming Elements of an Offline Outlet

Customers who are met by freestanding digital posters at the entrance of a kiosk will be grateful for the experience. Mainly because it can save time knowing whether the kiosk carries the brand they are looking for. Moreso, if the digital display is interactive and constantly kept up to date about product availability in terms of brand, styles, sizes or color.

Actually, digital signages have been helping physical retail stores reduce foot traffic congestion since customers don’t have to mill around aimlessly.

Quick Tips in Optimizing the Use of Digital Signages

There is a growing demand for digital signages, but bear in mind that they are only as good as their beneficial uses to both customers and store personnel. The visuals may be bright and attractive but do they provide the images that most customers are looking for?

While the content provides comprehensive data, do customers have to wade across murky and outdated information?

When creating content for digital signages and LED posters be sure to establish a clear objective of giving customers the best shopping experiences when visiting or buying from your offline store. While educating customers is important, many have already done research work online, including reading over reviews.

Their purpose in buying directly from your kiosk is to make a final decision by having an actual feel and fit of the item they plan to buy. However, don’t give them a bad time by making them get in line but without any idea of the items they’ll find available in your kiosk.

Creators of digital signages like DigitalFrameO at find it best to first test a signage or LED poster project in line with customer behaviors. The use of a cloud-based digital signage or application supported kiosk digital signage, can help provide the most relevant information in making digital signages excellent interactive tools that customers can use.
