Home Furnishing for a Germ-free Living

COVID-19 creates a big impact in every aspect of our lives. It makes us health-conscious which leads us to follow the standard health protocol implemented by the World Health Organization. Sad to say, despite the precautionary measures that we made to protect ourselves from the virus, new strains were found to infect many individuals around the world.

The way to get rid of the diseases and viruses is to be clean and healthy. And, this starts right away from ourselves and inside our house. Since one of the protocols for this pandemic is to stay at home, how are we going to be sure that our house is germ or virus-free?

Ways to Make our Home Germ-free

Here are some ways in making our home free from germs and viruses:

☑️ Use easy-to-clean surfaces

Amid a pandemic, people are now more preferred to having furnishing that is easy to sanitize. Examples of these are refrigerators made of stainless steel.

Quartz, which is a non-porous material is good for countertops as it does not produce small fissures and indentation where bacteria and molds will grow.

☑️ Application of touchless-technology

One best way to prevent the spread of the virus is using appliances that feature voice command technology. Newer faucet models dispense water on a foot control system and automatically stops after few seconds. There are also touchless soap dispensers widely available today in the market.

