Materials That Absorbs Sounds In Your Room

In order for the sound to affect the wall of the room and not be heard outside of it, this technique is used as sound insulation. Preventing noise from entering outside the room helps to damage the insulation for panels, insulation noise. Usually, this property directly depends on the thickness of the material – the wider the soundproofing barrier, the lower the likelihood of audio audibility. The ingestion of sound insulation is also used in the construction of buildings and measured in decibels. Normal indicators of sound insulation features from 52 to 60 dB. Soundproofing materials that reflect the sound can be recycled brick, plasterboard, concrete, and others.

Solid Fantasy

The main goal of the above features is not to prevent the sound from affecting the wall. Due to its structure, sound insulation panels are made up of fibers or cells. The coefficient of noise absorption varies from 0 to 1, if it is zero – the sound is reflected in the room, and there is one – the sound is completely absorbed by the material. Materials corresponding to the number of 0.5 and higher noise absorption characteristics. For a comfortable state, a person needs to be in a room with a noise of 25 dB, since with a lower coefficient he will feel the silence that has passed, and with a higher – will complain of noise and headaches. A person calmly makes noise up to 60 dB, but a higher volume can harm health. To protect yourself from noise.

Such material has its own degree of rigidity:
solid material – created with mineral granular water. This type of raw material includes vermiculite, perlite, and pumice stone. With a mass of 300 kg / m3, the absorption coefficient is optimally 0.5 dB;

  • Semirigid material – mineral wool sheets with a structure in the form of cells. Sound absorption coefficient from 0.5 to 0.7 dB with a weight of 130 kg / m3;
  • soft material – created on the basis of wool or felt. Sound absorption coefficient from 0.5 to 0.95 with a weight of 70 kg / m3.

Usually, during the construction of private houses, the sound insulation of the last specified parameter is used. You should also choose soundproofing with the necessary properties for the type of published sound.

Views of the noise published:

  • air released from televisions, receivers, animals;
  • shock, released while walking, repairing, drilling;

Structural appearing in the presence of connected building structures. To cope with the impact noise, they usually use sound-absorbing soft materials with the structure of the cells. Soundproofing fibrous materials are used against air, and against the structural – special laying, which protects the joints of the structures.

Sound insulation material and its technological properties?

In the cinema, it is necessary to create ideal sound insulation through unprecedented acoustic with the help of additional materials. This is necessary so that all vibrations, all hums, and all sounds should stay in the same isolated room. Carpet, again, perfect copies of the task entrusted to it. Not only does it slightly reduce the sound operation, but it does not absolutely violate acoustics. This material is very easy to install as it is very pliable, it is very easy to cut and stretch. It can be attached to the ceilings without any problem, as a perfectly smooth surface. The only condition when the carpet is installed is the temperature of the room.

All sound insulation should occur in the room, the temperature of which should not be derived below 16 degrees. Otherwise, the carpet will listen, which will not stop stretching, which will not allow the canvas to dock in uneven areas. In such cases, the use offers the possibility of minimizing the noise and ensures comfortable acoustic conditions for the rooms adjacent to the cinema. Do not forget that the soundproofing of the hall gives you the opportunity to enjoy the film, to fully immerse the film in its atmosphere, without being distracted by a sufficiently loud noise from the corridor or a neighboring cinema. In the modern world, such materials are used that have sufficient noise-reflecting or noise-absorbing properties to fully implement the soundproofing process.

Priority directions for soundproofing the room of a cinema or bowling room:

  • The most important task is to isolate the sounds of a movie theater or bowling lanes from a number of rooms. Therefore, soundproofing is necessary not only for walls but also for ceilings. This prevents further sound distribution. So even if bowling lanes roll the best bowling balls, there would be lesser noise heard from the other room. For the cinema, there should be soundproofing of the filming room.
  • An important task is to ensure acoustic comfort right in the hall where the film is being watched or a bowling game. This requires soundproofing the same and technical devices: air conditioning, fans, refrigerators, etc.
  • Do not forget that soundproofing should not interfere with the comfortable viewing of films. The speech of the actors should be easily fragile and audible. In the cinema, the sound must be even and rational on the basis of the hall in order to reach all rows at the same time. In the bowling room, these subtleties are not provided.

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Today, an increasingly relevant problem is the soundproofing of the premises. Particularly acute This question arises in large cities where there are a large number of different sources of noise in order for it to grow daily. At the same time, the demand for high-quality sound insulation materials is increasing.
